(206)388-1888 - Call Today!




恳请来电, 来函, 来人联系我们. 壹联贷款的联系方式是:

电话: (206) 388-1888/ (206)788-7488

中国直拨: 86-950-40332738

微信: gejz278

传真: (206)388-1889

电子邮件: processing@elinkmtg.com

地址: 3207 NE 125th Street. Seattle, WA 98125


Content and License Information

eLink Mortgage LLC d/b/a: eLink Mortgage
NMLS# 385463, WA License# MB-385463
Address: 3207 NE 125th St, Seattle WA 98125
Phone: (206)388-1888, Fax: (206)388-1889
Email: processing@elinkmtg.com

To verify license information for eLink Mortgage LLC or individual loan Officers, please click following link and visit following NMLS consumer access:


This is to give you notice that eLink Realty LLC, doing business as eLink Realty is a licensed real estate broker. Our associates may have acted as a real estate broker representing the buyer/seller in the sale of properties. eLink Mortgage LLC DBA eLink Mortgage is a licensed mortgage broker and it is affiliated with eLink Realty. eLink Mortgage would like to provide mortgage brokerage services to you in connection with your loan to purchase properties.
Federal law and/or state law and regulations requires that we provide you with this written disclosure statement/notice.  You are NOT required to use eLink Mortgage as a mortgage broker in connection with any real estate transaction. There are frequently other mortgage brokers available with similar service. You are free to compare and shop with other mortgage brokers and lenders, and to select any mortgage broker or lender of your choice.